Scotland, Antarctica, JoshuaTreeNP, New Zealand, East Africa, Nepal, SW--USA, Svalbard, Norway-Iceland, Family Photos
Well 2017...
Taught at Winter Park again, mostly skiing as they are short ski instructors.

Did some winter field work, seemed like it was always snowing. One of my co-workers.
January was a trip to Arches National Park, with Emily. Click here for my photos.
Did a couple days of skiing and riding with my brother Jeffrey in Colorado for his birthday in February.
Joined the QACC (Quechee Area Camera Club) for a Take a Photo a Day for 10 days in Feb. Click here for the 10 photos I posted, plus a few extra.

Checked out a sage grouse lek (where the males all strut around and try to attract a mate) in April, SE Wyoming. Click here for photos
Spent a few days at Arapaho Basin Ski Area, CO in early May at a ski clinic.
In May I ran a 50 k trail race Wisconsin on the Ice Age Trail. For my first "ultramarathon" I did pretty well. Got 4th in my age, was in the top 25% of women runners, finished with exuberance and generally had a good time. Strained a muscle that curtailed my running for a while but otherwise pretty fun. We also stopped in to visit some friends in Chicago and the Shedd Aquarium.
Spent a week or so in Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania learning about soil profiles in June at the Northeast Pedology Field Tour.
Wind River Mts |
Spent about 2 weeks in the Wind River Mountains with the ICCE. I collected soil samples and other data for my graduate research project. We were also there for the full solar eclipse. Scientific American article
Green River |
A weekend in Dinosaur National Monument, learning more about soils
Weekend near Nederland, CO at a conference at the Rocky Mountain Research Station. Photos here
Have been in the field and enjoying a few hikes in all kinds of weather, even rode my bike 55 miles to Chugwater from Laramie. Some photos here. And some more here

Chickens (one chicken, Alfreda, passed away but is immortalized in the University vertebrate museum) and cat and garden and sunrises. Click here for photos. My car (yes, that Acura I have had for ages) is about to turn 300,000 miles.
If the caption under a photo is a different color, or a word is highlighted (see place names at very beginning), click it for the link to photos. Sorry about the horrible formatting. Blogger is still being weird.
I hope I don't have to change venues for my blog!
Happy 2018 and thanks for reading of my adventures in 2017.
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