Friday, November 29, 2013

Nearing the end of 2013

Well it is heading for the end of another year, and I thought it was time to update you on my doings.  No big trips or anything really dramatic since the purchase of my house last April.  However, life has still been pretty exciting.

click here for hiking photos
After the ski/board season it was mountain biking season!  My friend Cindy got me to work pretty hard and even convinced me to sign up for a summer mt biking race series.   I was in about the middle of the pack of the women intermed-adv riders, which I guess is OK for never having raced before.  I also did a super long, 70 mile, mt bike race--the Laramie Enduro.  It was pretty frustrating though as I got a flat tire that took forever to change, and then an old lower back muscle injury kept intruding, and I had to stop every couple miles to stretch or I could not pedal at all.  So, it took 10 hours—without the problems it probably would have been about 9 hours—not too bad for just getting into bike racing. On the other hand 2 miles from the end, I had a nasty little spill that probably cracked some cartilage in my chest—at least I did not break a collar bone or rib—but it did slow down any rock climbing that I had planned.  I also acquired another mt bike from a friend—carbon-fiber frame, very light, and a pretty blue. I don't have any photos of my riding, but I do have some from some of my hikes near Medicine Bow Peak--12,000'.

click here for kayaking link
I went kayaking several times this summer; I still don’t have a roll, but I did get to do some fun  water—the Snake River in Wyoming, including the Canyon (and did not flip, so no swim).  I also did part of the Hoback and Grey’s in the same area with some friends, new and old.  Matt took me down the “Milk Run” above Brown’s Canyon on the Arkansas near Buena Vista, CO then I did some mt biking the following day.    

click here for rafting link
Another trip was rafting on the Colorado through Westwater, then a couple more days of mt biking near Fruita. Thanks to the Matt, who invited me, the new friends that hauled me and my stuff down the river, and to Mark for the hospitality so I could bike for a few days.  I also spent an afternoon hiking and driving around the Colorado Monument National Park.

click here for Seattle link
The only flying trip was to Seattle—a new city for me!  I was visiting one of my Dartmouth College cohort friends, Lou, and we had a good time tootling about on ferries, walking around, visiting Trader’s Joe, the locks and salmon, and such like. Unfortunately, Lou's car did not have as nice a weekend but apparently the little red Bug is working again.  We also attended the wedding of some old and dear friends from Antarctica.   The flight to Seattle was interesting as I sat on the tarmac in Laramie waiting for a virulent thunderstorm to pass; we waited a few minutes in Denver for the ground crew to return to the tarmac after some lightning, then we landed in Seattle in a thunder and lightning storm—I was not that impressed but apparently lightning is pretty darn rare in Seattle so other folks were excited.  I guess three separate thunder storms in three states in one day is kind of unique.

Work is good, still learning new stuff all the time, and getting into the field which is wonderful.  I have gotten sunny summer days and some snowy hikes already.  In early December, I will be heading to San Francisco for the  American Geophysical Union (AGU) conference with some 10,000+ participants.  I will host WyCEHG’s (my project) information booth most of the time, but I am looking forward to seeing some old Antarctic friends as well as some SF friends.  Later in the week, I will head south to San Diego to visit some other friends for the weekend.

click here for Phoebe link
The ski/snowboard season starts 30 November, and I will be leading the new hire snowboard clinic.   That means that most of my weekends are committed until next Spring; however, I will travel to Biosphere 2 in January for a Hydrology workshop.   My white Acura is still trucking along, just about to roll to 241,000 miles.  My cat, Phoebe, is just fine, believes that the house is hers and continues to be a wonderful companion and playful housemate.   

click here for 10 Day Challenge photos
click here for more WY photos
I occasionally still participate in my old photography club from Vermont--QACC.  One such event was to take a photo a day for 10 days.  Otherwise, my photos are of field work related to my job in really lovely places or the hike, ski or snowshoe around the area..

I guess nothing too exciting, but life has been busy and full this year, and I hope all is well for you.

 Happy Holidays—all of them—to  all of you!


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