Scotland, Antarctica, JoshuaTreeNP, New Zealand, East Africa, Nepal, SW--USA, Svalbard, Norway-Iceland, Family Photos
Hi all,
It was an interesting summer with a 1/2 marathon early on, an East Coast trip to see puffins, a West coast trip, summer Ultimate Frisbee league, and joining an informal camera club. The club got me out to take more photos and to feel guilty when I have not been out taking more. So, I have photos from the puffin trip, from San Diego, and then a collection from around New England. I am also in a small group photography show in White River Junction with two landscape photos. Very exciting. The links above should take you to some of my older Picasa web albums of photos. I will continue to add more links as time goes by.
Life had been a bit in flux as I knew I wanted to leave New England this fall, but until late November did not have a job lined up. However, I wrapped up my job and time in Vermont / New Hampshire and am now living in Laramie, WY. I was offered a job as a Surface and Subsurface Hydrology Lab manager at the University of Wyoming on a new, well-funded project. You can read more about the WyCEHG on line. I just started working last Monday, so no really exciting news there yet, but I do get to research some new snowmobiles, new ATVs and a new truck as well as odds and ends of tools and instruments that will be needed to measure hydrology. More on all that in my next posting. I am also teaching snowboarding at the local area, Snowy Range Ski Area, so that will keep me busy most weekends.

I also played a bunch of Ultimate Frisbee, and my summer league team won again. Not really my doing, but rather a great synergy on the team lead by Captain Theo. You might enjoy this photo--also on FB some time ago, but it is a nice one:

(P.S. I am still working on this link, so if it does not work, give me a day or two to finish loading the photos--thanks).
I have been asked for a few photos of Laramie and Wyoming, so here are few photos. I will add more until 31 December, then you will have to wait for the next blog posting. I hope you enjoy these as well.